Saturday, December 18, 2010

Mom's little helper

Noah is so good about shoveling the driveway before school. He has been doing this all month since it started to snow on December 1. He challenges himself to get the whole thing done before the bus comes. This Friday he succeeded. Great job Noah!

She shoots, she scores

Grace scored her first basket in her CYO basketball game today against Seton. She was very shy about telling Dad that she had made a basket. Go Grace!

Nama Carolyn came along to see the game. It's always nice to have a cheering section!

Friday, December 17, 2010


With a week to spare, our Christmas cards are in the mail! We have had them here for over a week, but it took me a while to get the holiday letter written and the addresses all set. They should all arrive by December 25, and that is the important thing. Thanks!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Webster Pentathlon

Grace participated in the Webster Pentathlon this morning. She swam in six events. She had personal record times in her five individual events. She took 1.94 seconds off her 50 free time, 1.69 seconds off her 100 IM time, 7.09 seconds off her 50 back time, 0.58 seconds off her 50 breast time, and 18.88 seconds off her 50 butterfly time!
I was the "head timer" (sounds more impressive than it is) for this session, so Noah took the pictures from this meet. Here is one of Grace and me on deck. Grace didn't want her bracelets to slow her down, so she had me wear them - all ten!

Holiday Concert at Plank North Elementary

Grace played in her holiday concert on Thursday night as part of the band. Noah and his friend Cole were supportive siblings (Cole's brother Conor plays cello in the orchestra) and passed the time sharing a set of earphones and listening to music.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Grace's latest swim meet

Yesterday Grace swam in the Niagara 14 & Under Power Point Championship meet. That's a mouthful, but what it means is that all swimmers need to beat a cutoff time to qualify. Grace was the only 10 year old to swim in the meet. She was excited about that. She placed 6th in the 100 yard breaststroke. Her name was announced, and she received her ribbon and stepped up on the podium. That's her on the left of this photo. Go Grace!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Playing in the snow

Snow started falling on December 1 here in Rochester. The weathermen tell us we are in for a snowy week. Noah made the best of it today, spending almost all the daylight hours outside. He came in periodically to change hats, gloves, get a scarf, and have some hot chocolate. He should sleep well tonight!

These pictures are of him snowboarding off the back deck and modeling his new Mohawk hat that I got him a couple of weeks ago. The inside is fleece, and he says it keeps his head nice and warm. Happy Winter!

It's that time of year again

This morning we went outside to get a picture of the kids for the annual holiday card. It was snowing lightly which made for a good setting. Grace picked the back yard by a pine tree. This is not the picture selected - you'll have to wait to receive your card in the mail to check it out. They were good sports about having it done. Noah was all bundled up, so he put on his snow pants and set out to shovel the driveway and play in the snow. Enjoy the winter!!!

Grace's first basketball game

Last night was Grace's first basketball game. She is playing in the CYO league for St. Rita's which is just up the street from us. As you can see, I am not very good at taking action shots where basketball is concerned. She did hustle and had a great time. Her team lost the game, but she still had fun!

Share the Season

Friday night was Share the Season at Plank North. Grace and Noah sang in the holiday choir. Grace wasn't too keen on having her picture taken, and Noah was on stage with his friends Michael and Jon singing away. It was Grace's last year attending as a student which was sad for Lou and me.